If you visit Control Panel, Administration tools is not yet available unless you will restart your PC.Ħ. Windows will apply changes and will install all necessary configuration files and will ask for the reboot. If you wanted to host FTP service on your machine to have it accessed as FTP Server by mapping to an external IP, you can install FTP option from here as well.ĥ. Expand the Internet Information Services feature and verify that the web server components listed below are enabled. Note: you can also open Control Panel by pressing windows + run and type appwiz.cpl to access control panel.ģ. Open Control Panel and click Programs and Features To learn how to enable IIS and the required IIS components on Windows 8/8.1, see the instructions below.ġ. Let’s have a look at the options how do we install IIS 8 on a client machine such as windows 8.1. One such component is IIS 8 on a machine which runs Windows 8.1. Many developers who don’t have access to Servers and wanted to explore features of a tools and test some functionality, they often has the alternative to install the Software’s on their machines.